Brycen was born 12/11/10 at 11:03pm weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz
I was induced on Friday. They gave me cervidil and told me to sleep. Friends kept me company for a while. My hubby went home to be with our dogs. I thought I'd sleep all night. Unfortunately, my uterus began contracting. It was painful enough to where I couldn't sleep. At about 4am, I asked a nurse about the pain. She gave me a shot of nubain, which completely took over my emotions. I sat there in the dark crying my eyes out because I was scared and alone. I knew it was the drugs but couldn't help it.
At 8:45, the cervidil was removed. I got my bloody show, and my cervix had gone from 1cm/50% to 3cm/75%. I was given a Bishop score of 8 which meant my cervix responded really well to the induction treatment. Nurses were confident I would give birth that day.
I was then started on pitocin. My uterus did not respond properly. I was having mild contractions every minute. Three in a row and then a lull of nothing. The nurse wanted to see 1 big one followed by a lull with more time in between. My pattern wasn't dilating me much.
In the afternoon, I was 4cm but not fully effaced. My doctor came in and broke my water without warning. It stung, and the sensation was strange. I swear there must have been 30 gallons of fluid because I soaked my padded bed zone 3 times AFTER the first gush.
This basically strengthened my contrax. I went into active labor and the pit was increased. The pain was bad, but they didn't want to give me an epi until my cervix proved to be opening. When I slowly got to 8cm, they said I could get the epi. Unfortunately, the anastesiologist was in a c/s for another 20 minutes. So, they gave me more nubain while I waited with horrible contraction pain. I felt gassy and nauseous due to the pain.
After a while, an angel from heaven came and gave me the epi. I welcomed any notion of pain due to receiving the epi in exchange for the labor pains. It worked like a dream. The pit was cranked and family was notified.
By 10:30pm, I was stuck at 9cm. 15 people were waiting on me in the family waiting room. My epi was wearing off on my left uterus side. I started feeling contrax and getting scared. They refilled the epi, but my uterus was ignoring it. My legs were numb and my lady parts --just not my uterus. With that pain, I was ready to throw in the towel. I wanted a c/s because my uterus wouldn't dilate further and the pit was cranked so high. The nurse recommended I do some test pushes to see how my cervix responded. The rest is history.
19 total minutes of pushing brought the birth of Brycen. He was 8lb14oz and 21" long. He came out at 11:03pm just in time to share my 12/11 bday. He was placed on my chest but didn't cry. They brought him into a bassinet nearby to clean and prepare. I just cried with joy. Staff couldn't believe how great my pushing was. I was told during the pushing that my doc was going to snip me. She didn't cut through to my rectum, but it was still necessary. I later found out her cut was done after I had already started tearing.
So, I was stuck on my back with legs up for over 30 minutes getting sewn and delivering placenta. It took my doc a long time to get everything back together.
In that time, I had no idea what Brycen really looked like. My friend was in the room taking pictures with her slr. I was so thankful she was there to capture the moments I missed. Dh called family. My family literally stood in the hall with their ears on the door. When the heard Brycen cry, they all started cheering. We really caused a scene.
Brycen is perfect in every way. His agpar score was 9/9/9. He sleeps all the time and hates opening his eyes when there's light. When I hold him, I cry with joy. My life now has purpose, and somehow God decided to gift me with a beautiful baby.
If I'm not crying with joy, I'm crying in pure agony. My lower region hurts so bad. I'm using ice pack pads and tuck pads. If anything, it hurts more today than it did yesterday. The hardest part of this process is my failure to get up and get moving when I want to due to the pain.
Sorry this was so long. I wanted to get it all out there. We're home and still shocked to be parents. It's literally 1 degree outside, so it's dangerous to take trips anywhere. We're cooped up at home and so thankful to be out of the hospital.