March 1, 2010

Still Job Hunting

Scrolling through Craigslist is a task I try to do every 4-5 days. I found some job opportunities and applied to a few of them this morning. Unfortunately with CL, there are many employers that fail to reply to applicants to at least notify a receipt of resume. Aside from that, I would love to hear that I didn't get the position.

When I worked as HR and placed ads on CL, I usually replied to everyone that applied. People that randomly send resumes without the required experience or qualifications were usually ignored. Most jobs I posted required 5 years of experience running machinery, so a recent college grad with nothing under his/her belt would usually not get a reply.

In my own job search, I am not trying to waste an employer's time. I make sure I'm qualified and interested before blindly sending my information. If I don't have the necessary experience, I note that in the email and state that I will take less pay as a trade-off.

Anyway, I'm extremely interested in travel jobs or tech jobs. Luckily, there were two jobs this morning that satisfied both needs. Now, I can only hope I get a reply.

My father asked if I had contacted a staffing agency. I really haven't because I am in fear of getting a temp job. Currently, my unemployment is covering my bills. If I get a temporary job for a day or week or month, I have to shut off the unemployment. Upon losing the temp job, I need to reapply for benefits. If I don't find a FT job before the unemployment benefits expire, then I will definitely go to a staffing agency. Here's hoping it won't get to that.

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