June 20, 2010

Baby Gender Reveal

My husband has begged me to update my blog. I am pleased to announce that we will be finding out the gender of our baby on Thursday, June 24th. I had originally scheduled it for Friday, but my husband found out he has Thursday off as well! So, we can go in a day early! Woo hoo!

We are not the type of couple that wants to be surprised at birth to find gender. I can't stand buying yellow and green clothing and yarn. We picked out gender neutral basics like strollers and car seats because we hope to use them in the future regardless of gender. Other items really need that special touch. Little girls should be more whimsical and little boys should be more sporty. This is our opinion, and we have no problem with parents that give Barbies to their sons and what not.

Anyway, we will share the gender news at my family's 4th of July party/reunion. I am baking cupcakes with white frosting on top. They're themed to go with Independence Day. My mom will help me inject either blue or pink frosting inside each one. She won't know the gender until I tell her what dye to drop into the mix. My family will all get a cupcake to bite into at the same time. My husband's job prevents him from being there on a holiday, so I will spread the joy by myself. I just hate secrets!

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