My hubby and I went to our 18 week ultrasound (u/s) yesterday. This is normally the u/s reserved for parents to discover whether or not they're having a boy or a girl. Since we already found out during an elective ultrasound, we were more interested in viewing our son again. I had some fears that things weren't progressing right because the quickening or movement I had felt from 14-16 weeks had really tapered off as I approached the 18th week.
Luckily, my fears were washed away when we saw our little man on the screen. We lied to the u/s tech about knowing gender. We wanted to see more proof that Brycen was a boy. Sure enough - he's all good. The u/s tech then took multiple pictures of body parts including the spine, kidneys, umbilical cord, brain, 4 chambers of the heart, all the limbs, lack of cleft lip, etc. The picture taking took around 45 minutes. After that, the tech switched wands. He kept zooming into the face and then clicking a button which brought color to the screen. It looked like 3D, but the screen said 2D. Aside from that, we couldn't make out what he was trying to see. He backed out of the color and zoomed into the face again and again. He was dead silent the entire time (unlike during the picture taking). After about 10 minutes, I was so worried that something was structurally wrong with my uterus or something.
The tech finally announced that he was trying to get a 3D face shot for us to have a "cool picture to take home." Whew! Was I relieved. The placenta was right in front of his face, so that's why we couldn't tell what we were seeing. I didn't mind not getting a good face shot. I was just happy nothing was wrong. We ended up getting an arm shot, which is shown above. His fingers are so cute. I can't wait to kiss them.
During the picture taking, the tech measured Brycen's skull, abdomen, and a part of his brain. The machine took an average of the measurements and calculated the due date to be December 14th. It's one day off from my calculations, so we're going to stick with December 15th.
All in all, the appointment went well. I was happy to get out of there and go to the bathroom after drinking 40 oz. of water.
July 15, 2010
July 12, 2010
Learning From My Mother's Mistakes
Today, I stopped by my mom's house for a little chit chat. I was there for several hours before our fight began. I made the statement, "all four of us wish we had a normal parent." I was making reference to the fact that my mother has panic disorder, which prevents her from driving, going out to stores, and from crossing major roads. My father is legally blind due to diabetes, and he is completely dependent on my step-mother for permission to be driven to visit any of us four kids. I was basically saying that it's impossible to go shopping with either parent and follow it up with going out to dinner or a movie like most of our friends do with their respective parents. My mom replied with, "I took care of you when you most needed it." At that statement, I couldn't think of when she actually took care of me. Her view of our childhood must be getting tinted by rose-colored glasses.
My parents have been divorced since I was in kindergarten. My father fought like hell to gain custody of us kids because my mom was a physically and verbally abusive parent. (She's much tamer/harmless now.) In front of judges and therapists, my mom acted like a saint. In private, she chose my younger brother as her "favorite" child. She showered him with "I love you's" and compliments. Whenever someone complimented her on how wonderful her children were, she'd willingly joke about giving us away for free. "You want 'em? Take 'em!" When our child support checks came in from our wealthy father, the money went straight to her mortgage and utilities. Food was always running out at home or we weren't allowed to eat much at each meal. We were always growing out of our clothes or getting holes in our socks. My mom refused to find a high paying job. She decided to work for minimum wage at a local retailer. She never tried to get another part-time job either. Why did she need to work more? Our daddy was paying the bills. When our dad would pick us up for visitation, he'd see the poor state of our clothing. He'd take us out to buy new clothes because he knew our own mother wouldn't do it. Regardless of how hard my father fought, he never gained custody. He eventually remarried a Polish immigrant. She brought her own daughters into our family and caused a completely new tale of bad parenting.
Today's Problem:
Upon stating the bad parenting issue, my mother asked me to leave. I don't think she has the right to say she did the best she could. She wasn't a single mom of 4 children with out the help of a deadbeat dad. Single moms get my respect. My mother fought my father in court to get us all to herself. She chose to raise us poorly. What she fails to realize is that I prayed frequently throughout my childhood that my mother would one day love me. I wanted her to stop calling me names. I wanted her to hug me. When I realized she was incapable of offering motherly love, I prayed that my dad would come rescue me. The rescue never came because my step-mother also chose to favor her children over us.
Lesson to Learn:
I've learned that I needed to find a partner in life that loved me and cared about family. My husband is a wonderful man that cannot wait to have a family. He was raised by two caring parents that let him know everyday how much they love him (and me now). It's an unusual feeling for me due to my two parents giving up so long ago. As a child, I questioned whether I would ever feel loved. My mom would tell me that no man would ever want to marry me. If I ever had kids, she predicted they would be terrible brats. It really stunts your emotional growth to hear that everyday. I have learned from my mother that I will not be like her. I will do my absolute best to let my children know how loved they are. My husband and I want our baby to come home. We want to shower him with love, hugs, and kisses. We know that my side of the family may not embrace him with love at all times, but he'll just get more of that from us.
My parents have been divorced since I was in kindergarten. My father fought like hell to gain custody of us kids because my mom was a physically and verbally abusive parent. (She's much tamer/harmless now.) In front of judges and therapists, my mom acted like a saint. In private, she chose my younger brother as her "favorite" child. She showered him with "I love you's" and compliments. Whenever someone complimented her on how wonderful her children were, she'd willingly joke about giving us away for free. "You want 'em? Take 'em!" When our child support checks came in from our wealthy father, the money went straight to her mortgage and utilities. Food was always running out at home or we weren't allowed to eat much at each meal. We were always growing out of our clothes or getting holes in our socks. My mom refused to find a high paying job. She decided to work for minimum wage at a local retailer. She never tried to get another part-time job either. Why did she need to work more? Our daddy was paying the bills. When our dad would pick us up for visitation, he'd see the poor state of our clothing. He'd take us out to buy new clothes because he knew our own mother wouldn't do it. Regardless of how hard my father fought, he never gained custody. He eventually remarried a Polish immigrant. She brought her own daughters into our family and caused a completely new tale of bad parenting.
Today's Problem:
Upon stating the bad parenting issue, my mother asked me to leave. I don't think she has the right to say she did the best she could. She wasn't a single mom of 4 children with out the help of a deadbeat dad. Single moms get my respect. My mother fought my father in court to get us all to herself. She chose to raise us poorly. What she fails to realize is that I prayed frequently throughout my childhood that my mother would one day love me. I wanted her to stop calling me names. I wanted her to hug me. When I realized she was incapable of offering motherly love, I prayed that my dad would come rescue me. The rescue never came because my step-mother also chose to favor her children over us.
Lesson to Learn:
I've learned that I needed to find a partner in life that loved me and cared about family. My husband is a wonderful man that cannot wait to have a family. He was raised by two caring parents that let him know everyday how much they love him (and me now). It's an unusual feeling for me due to my two parents giving up so long ago. As a child, I questioned whether I would ever feel loved. My mom would tell me that no man would ever want to marry me. If I ever had kids, she predicted they would be terrible brats. It really stunts your emotional growth to hear that everyday. I have learned from my mother that I will not be like her. I will do my absolute best to let my children know how loved they are. My husband and I want our baby to come home. We want to shower him with love, hugs, and kisses. We know that my side of the family may not embrace him with love at all times, but he'll just get more of that from us.
July 11, 2010
I Won an Award!
I was given the Sunshine Award from Anne! I really appreciate it because I'm so new to the mom blog community. Even though I haven't given birth yet, I'm so excited to begin the mom journey and read blogs from other moms like me. The rules behind the award state that I must list 7 little known facts about me. I must also pass the award on to others. Here we go!
Now, I need to pass on the award to these fine people:
Mandy at AugustWedding2010
Tika at Teeks' World of Ramblings
Tesa at 2wired2tired
Vanessa at MilitaryWifeMayhem
Yummy Mummy at Morethananarmywife
- I don't like to eat fruits or veggies or anything that might live in water. This limits my eating and causes me to get creative when trying to find nutrients for my unborn son.
- I am deathly afraid of spiders. Large or small - I don't discriminate. Give me snakes, lizards, or mice any day.
- I absolutely love driving around. I love road trips, and I like being familiar with nearby towns and cities. My mother has panic disorder which prevents her from driving. I think I enjoy driving because it makes me feel like there's less of a chance I'll have her disorder.
- My ideal man is based on Jimmy Stewart from It's a Wonderful Life. I didn't realize it until I was older, but the tall, brunette, thin men just do it for me.
- I'm a speed typist. I guess every tech savvy person considers themselves to be a fast typist, but I tend to shock people when I get going in full force. Most job tests I take require 35wpm, which I could probably do in my sleep.
- I am rarely "in the mood" to clean. My house is cluttered, and my husband is usually the one to break down and start cleaning things. When I clean, I need caffeine, loud music, and sunshine to get me going.
- I love pit bulls. I own an 8 year old rot/pit, and we just adopted a blue nosed pit last fall. Pits hold a special place in my heart.
Now, I need to pass on the award to these fine people:
Mandy at AugustWedding2010
Tika at Teeks' World of Ramblings
Tesa at 2wired2tired
Vanessa at MilitaryWifeMayhem
Yummy Mummy at Morethananarmywife
July 8, 2010
It's a Boy!
We found out we're having a little boy! The ultrasound clearly shows his little winky. In the ultrasound, we saw his little behind and his thigh bones. His winky is in between and accented by an arrow.
There were no tears during this discovery. My husband and I were just fascinated with the news and with seeing our baby again. If parents had access to an ultrasound machine everyday (and if it were safe), we'd use one everyday to see the baby again.
Brycen was jumping around like crazy during the 15 minute ultrasound visit. I know several women who have gone to check gender and had to go home without answers because the baby was blocking the view. Our little man had no problem showing us his goods.
On July 4th, we brought our gender cupcakes to the annual family reunion. My mom basically made everything for the cupcakes. I just put the flags in. For more information on the cupcakes, click HERE. The cupcake idea went extremely well. I don't have pictures of the reveal because I was filming it with my camera. I'm making a DVD for Bryce to watch when he's older to see what his parents were like and what his family thought of him while I was pregnant.Everyone present had to guess boy or girl while I did a rolling film. Once all the guesses were recorded, everyone bit into their cupcakes and shouted, "BOY!"
Reception has been good. I think finding out gender early is a great thing. It makes it easier to picture how our lives will change in 5 months. I added more things to our baby registry to help remove some yellow/green items. I want him here now, but we aren't ready yet. The "nursery" is a disaster. The house is a danger zone. I should probably be cherishing these last few months before my life changes forever. Unfortunately, I would give anything to change my life right now. I'm the perfect candidate for a life change.
There were no tears during this discovery. My husband and I were just fascinated with the news and with seeing our baby again. If parents had access to an ultrasound machine everyday (and if it were safe), we'd use one everyday to see the baby again.
Brycen was jumping around like crazy during the 15 minute ultrasound visit. I know several women who have gone to check gender and had to go home without answers because the baby was blocking the view. Our little man had no problem showing us his goods.
On July 4th, we brought our gender cupcakes to the annual family reunion. My mom basically made everything for the cupcakes. I just put the flags in. For more information on the cupcakes, click HERE. The cupcake idea went extremely well. I don't have pictures of the reveal because I was filming it with my camera. I'm making a DVD for Bryce to watch when he's older to see what his parents were like and what his family thought of him while I was pregnant.Everyone present had to guess boy or girl while I did a rolling film. Once all the guesses were recorded, everyone bit into their cupcakes and shouted, "BOY!"
Reception has been good. I think finding out gender early is a great thing. It makes it easier to picture how our lives will change in 5 months. I added more things to our baby registry to help remove some yellow/green items. I want him here now, but we aren't ready yet. The "nursery" is a disaster. The house is a danger zone. I should probably be cherishing these last few months before my life changes forever. Unfortunately, I would give anything to change my life right now. I'm the perfect candidate for a life change.
July 7, 2010
Penta Screen Testing
My pregnancy has been great so far. However great, we still want to make sure things are going great for the baby. This screen isn't 100% accurate, but it will give us a better idea of our odds.Unless the odds are terrible, we are not going to be choosing an Amniocentesis. The risks of miscarriage are great when that is performed.
I'm pretty sure my blood sample will be mailed off to an independent lab, so it may be awhile before I get my results.
Related articles by Zemanta
- The Pros and Cons of Amniocentesis (
- Blood test for Down's syndrome (
July 2, 2010
4th of July Weekend!
Independence Day is this Sunday! It is one of my favorite holidays each year. Our family celebrates it with a family reunion. I tend to leave the reunion early to meet up with friends. When going to see friends, they all live within the same neighborhood. All the neighbors know me, and it's fun getting to see everyone. Usually, each year, we get drunk and carpool to the fireworks. This year, with the pregnancy, I'm going to be watching the fireworks sober.
Another huge milestone for this Sunday is the revealing of my baby's gender. I'm so tired of holding the secret in! My husband and I couldn't be happier. I'm only miserable with this secret being kept. I HATE secrets. Anyway, my husband is off for the weekend. It'll be nice to have some alone time with him.
Another huge milestone for this Sunday is the revealing of my baby's gender. I'm so tired of holding the secret in! My husband and I couldn't be happier. I'm only miserable with this secret being kept. I HATE secrets. Anyway, my husband is off for the weekend. It'll be nice to have some alone time with him.
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