July 11, 2010

I Won an Award!

I was given the Sunshine Award from Anne! I really appreciate it because I'm so new to the mom blog community. Even though I haven't given birth yet, I'm so excited to begin the mom journey and read blogs from other moms like me. The rules behind the award state that I must list 7 little known facts about me. I must also pass the award on to others. Here we go!

  1. I don't like to eat fruits or veggies or anything that might live in water. This limits my eating and causes me to get creative when trying to find nutrients for my unborn son.
  2. I am deathly afraid of spiders. Large or small - I don't discriminate. Give me snakes, lizards, or mice any day.
  3. I absolutely love driving around. I love road trips, and I like being familiar with nearby towns and cities. My mother has panic disorder which prevents her from driving. I think I enjoy driving because it makes me feel like there's less of a chance I'll have her disorder.
  4. My ideal man is based on Jimmy Stewart from It's a Wonderful Life. I didn't realize it until I was older, but the tall, brunette, thin men just do it for me.
  5. I'm a speed typist. I guess every tech savvy person considers themselves to be a fast typist, but I tend to shock people when I get going in full force. Most job tests I take require 35wpm, which I could probably do in my sleep.
  6. I am rarely "in the mood" to clean. My house is cluttered, and my husband is usually the one to break down and start cleaning things. When I clean, I need caffeine, loud music, and sunshine to get me going.
  7. I love pit bulls. I own an 8 year old rot/pit, and we just adopted a blue nosed pit last fall. Pits hold a special place in my heart.

Now, I need to pass on the award to these fine people:

Mandy at AugustWedding2010
Tika at Teeks' World of Ramblings
Tesa at 2wired2tired
Vanessa at MilitaryWifeMayhem
Yummy Mummy at Morethananarmywife

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Anne said...

You're welcome! I hate cleaning too - I mostly just hide the dirt/clutter instead of cleaning it :).

Amanda said...

I guess I better get going on this! =P