I'm full of excitement and my nerves are all crazy. Most of my nerves are based on labor. The fact that I will have a son in my arms very soon hasn't really hit me yet. Having a child is something that I can't fathom preparing for. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I want to know what my son looks like. I want to give him the love I've always dreamed of giving my children some day. I can't wait to feel that mother/baby bond that releases all those wonderful endorphins. I also can't wait to see my husband hold him for the first time.
My husband is a blessing. He's going to make a great dad, and I hope to learn a lot from him. I feel so lucky to be the mother of his children. There are many pregnant girls out there dealing with bad relationships or non-existent relationships. My husband and I have a special bond, and we really do look at life like a team. We want to work together throughout this world, and I can honestly say there's nothing but love between us. I can't wait to share that love and grow it with our son. I can't believe that it's been almost 5 years since we started officially dating each other. As excited and giddy as I was then, I would have never thought we'd be married, home-owners, and expecting our first child right now. I'm more in love with him now than I've ever been before. After this weekend, my love for him will be even greater.
It's game time.