I saw my
doctor a few days ago. I was told my
cervix was 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced. My doctor asked whether or not I wanted to
induce labor at a certain point. While discussing my work schedule, my husbands vacation schedule, and my doctor's on call schedule, we realized all the planets align around December 10th. I would be admitted to the hospital on December 10th in the evening (my hubby's first vacation day). I would be given
Cervidil to soften my cervix. From there, I'm assuming
pitocin, foley ball, or water breaking may occur. Cervidil was the only thing mentioned by my doctor, but I've been doing more research on further induction techniques. My doctor sounds pretty confident that an induction would work due to my cervix being soft and ready. I'm so happy about the date of this tentative induction. Because of my excitement, I'm now afraid that I'll go into labor before then. Prior to setting this induction plan, I was fearing I'd go two weeks late. It's amazing how a little update from my doctor can change my estimations on labor.
My sleep is severely disrupted due to this pregnancy. My stomach is now finally getting some minor
stretch marks on the bottom. The weather has taken an extremely quick turn from mild to freezing temperatures with snow sprinkled in. I'm fully ready to have this baby and start hibernating.
1 comment:
Yay it's coming!! The last few days are the longest, aren't they - but take heart, soon this will all be just a memory! Get lots of rest and indulge yourself while you can (but don't forget to rest after the baby's born either :).
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