January 29, 2011

Blogging While I Pump

AVENT isis breast pump breastfeeding breast mi...Image via Wikipedia
Our usual routine of going to bed around 1am has me pumping my final drops of breast milk here now at 12:30am. My son mostly gets formula these days because our latch never worked out right. Looking back, I wish I could have prevented the hospital from giving him formula with bottles. After that happened, I also had latch issues when the LC finally came in to help me trying breast feeding. The LC said my nipples were a little bit flat, and my son was a lazy sucker. I didn't even think to try using my bare nipple to BF once we got home. I had given up. I used a pump and a nipple shield. He latched three times for me in January, and each time was followed by a pop and a cry for a silicone nipple instead. My son prefers the bottles. Given the fact that he was able to latch, I am going to force the issue with my next child in the hospital. He or she will NOT be given a pacifier or bottle nipple.

Pumping is no fun. The nipple shield was a hassle, especially at night. I just want that natural bonding "thing" without the aid of modern inventions. My milk supply is dwindling because I don't have the time to pump every two hours while force feeding myself gallons of water. I've come to terms with it. I have about 30 bags of milk in my freezer, and I'm still getting about 1-3oz at each pumping session. I try to pump at least twice a day. Recently, I've been giving the milk directly to my son rather than freezing it. I went back to work last week, and I only pumped once while there.

I'm sorry this posting is somewhat all over the place. I guess it's more for me to read later on and remember what was going through my mind at this time.

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