I've been feeling down lately. My husband and son are great. Our living situation is not. I so desperately want to move away from where we currently live. My hubby wants to re-enlist in the USMC. If he does that, we get to move away, and I get to be a SAHM. Working my measly twenty hours per week is barely helping us squeak by. I can't make a budget that allows for me to quit working. The hours are in the middle of the day and my work is an hour away. I wish I was talented enough to create something worthy enough to sell from home. My hubby joining the military again is the best option for our family. The one thing holding us back is my hubby's physical fitness. He needs to pass a physical before they'd even consider him. With the horrible weather and our new baby, my hubby is finding it hard to workout. So, each day I find myself losing more and more hope of a better life.

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