October 22, 2011

Feeling Down and Lonely Today

It's a beautiful Fall Saturday, and I'm feeling extremely alone. My husband left for work right after lunch, and my son is getting into everything. I had no errands to run or money to spend, but I so desperately wanted to get out of my house. I couldn't think of one person to spend time with today. My family is all busy on the weekend. My good friends have plans going on. My bad friends want nothing to do with me. There's no local mall nearby to walk around in other than the one with gang bangers and vacant stores. I had no where to go.

My house is literally filled with clutter. I want to empty it out. I want to simplify and minimize. The baby is crawling after our dog and our dog is aggressive. I have to constantly monitor their interactions. When the baby isn't chasing the dog, he's trying to shove dirt from the floor or electrical cords/plugs into his mouth. I wish I could take my son somewhere for a few hours, so I could get some stuff done around here. When my husband is home, we sleep in, take our time getting ready, run errands, come home and relax, and go to bed early. There isn't much productivity in that regard.

I just wish I had more going on in my life. I actually wish I could stop being friends with my "bad" friends, so I wouldn't be so disappointed when they never called or wanted to come over. I'm sure my depression falls right in line with the weather getting worse and our money situation getting tighter and tighter. There no sunshine or retail therapy in my future.

1 comment:

Dawn Lucille said...

Have you thought about joining some meet up groups? I went on Meetup.com and joined 2 of them. Between both of them there's something going on every day, even weekends. Most of the activities are free (baby story times at libraries, lunches, playdates at member's homes). I'm in the Crystal Lake Mom's group and the Algonquin one, though I'm only really active in the CL group. They've been my saving grace.