May 26, 2011

I'm Feeling Detached from Life

Denkst du vielleicht grad' an michImage by jon|k via Flickr
Wow. I just wrote an entire blog post out about how much of a failure I am at parenting. My shirt is soaked with tears, and I decided to just delete everything. To summarize, I feel like my baby loves my husband more, and I feel like my husband is a better parent than I. While my hubby is busy taking care of my baby, I'm the one floating off in the distance. At work, when everyone is busy either working or gossiping, I'm the one not paying attention to either. I zone out when I drive too. Everything is routine and mundane. Instead of being excited about something new and different, I get anxious and freaked out. Today was my first experience of wanting to curse and scream and cry during a meltdown but not being able to. I was home alone with my son. I most definitely don't want him seeing me unstable, so I held him and smiled. This was actually the first time I've ever missed being a non-parent since December. There are so many "luxuries" people give up once they become parents, but I was more prepared to give up most things. I really only miss having my private time to be immature or ridiculous without worrying about how it's affecting someone else.

My facebook account has now become a daily baby update page. I already know it's annoying for my friends to read. I really DON'T want to post about my baby all the time, but it's difficult finding interest in anything else. I actually spend most of the time on my cell phone looking at a secret facebook group full of women with December babies. I could have never predicted that these women would become some of my closest friends. Since finding each other on iVillage, we've shared some of the deepest, most intimate secrets and details of our lives. I would be completely and utterly lost without those women and their daily baby topics.

Clearly, I'm still lacking a spark or passion for anything right now. That seems to be an ongoing problem in my life. Just realized I have 15 minutes until my husband gets off work and wonders what I've done with my night. Let's ignore the fact that we have a flight to catch in 8 hours. :(
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May 8, 2011

Not on Same Life Path With Husband

Marine of the United States Marine Corps runs ...Image via Wikipedia
I've come to the conclusion that what I want in life differs from what my husband wants in life. I think we used to be on the same page, but it's evident now that we're not even in the same book. I've mentioned before on my blog that my hubby decided to re-enlist in the Marines. We met with a recruiter last November. My husband's only obstacle is physical fitness. He's not only overweight, but he hasn't been to a gym in forever. He needs to drop some serious pounds and also lift weights. Once he's ready for the testing, he will contact the recruiter and get everything scheduled. Since he's already served 8 years in the USMC, the retread would be pretty sweet for our family.

Unfortunately, my husband has not taken the goal of weight loss and bettering our family seriously. It's almost like he's eating more food now to punish me because he knows how badly I want a better life for our family. Yesterday, he was great and went running. I decided to walk the same path while wearing our baby. We had bread and Brie cheese for lunch, which wasn't the best. After that, I took our dog on a joyride in the car. Our dog, Kegger, hasn't been in a car since I was pregnant back in November. So, this was an extra special treat. I told my husband I was going to Starbucks. This would give me a good place to drive to and would give me the daily coffee fix I require. I thought about buying my husband his staple Frappuccino, but I remembered he had finally gotten some exercise in that day and didn't want to completely neutralize it's benefits.

I got home, and my husband didn't seem upset at all. He got showered and ready for work. I took over the baby duties while my husband kissed me goodbye. We chatted an hour or so later. I asked him if he made any pit stops on his way to work. "Yes," and, "Starbucks," were the only words he muttered. He decided to go because I had gone.  He was probably secretly upset that I didn't buy him anything or that I didn't think of him. Add this situation to the fact that my husband has been secretly buying junk food and snacks at local gas stations and grocery stores without telling me. When we go shopping, we both mutually agreed that junk food isn't healthy for us. My husband is a total hypocrite by agreeing with me at the store and then going out and devouring it behind my back.

While my husband probably thinks his actions are no big deal, they're actually killing me inside. My outward self tries to be positive and optimistic. I love my husband, I love my son, and I'm thankful for the life I live. My inward self hates that I have to rely on my husband to be happy. I hate that I've got all my eggs in one basket. Because I'm so depressed about living where I live and working where I work, I am extremely irritable. Every little thing my husband does sets me off. I snap at him, and I nag all the time. It's because, deep down, I hate myself. I'm disappointed in the life that I lead each day. I'm unhappy that we live in a tiny 2 bedroom condo. I'm unhappy that I work part-time doing something meaningless. While I'd like to be a SAHM, I'd much rather be making serious money doing something full-time. Working PT just to make ends meet is dumb in my opinion. We spend money we don't have on things each month. We don't have any savings set up. If my husband earned more or if I worked a real job, there'd be breathing room in our budget.

I believe it's my husband's duty in this marriage to be honest with me and tell me what he wants. I don't want him pretending to care about goals that I've set when his heart's not in it. We can't go on like this forever because I will practically bite his head off one of these days. If something doesn't change soon, I'm afraid I'll be the one to make some serious changes...
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May 5, 2011

I Have No Routine for My Baby

Brycen is almost 5 months old now, and we are still co-sleeping. He wakes up several times each night and drinks formula from a bottle. He'll drink and pass out again. Due to my husband's work schedule, he doesn't come home until around midnight. From there, he spends time with our son while we prep for bed. I'll sometimes shower at this point knowing he's home to watch the baby.

Since I network with other mom's of 5 month olds, I know that we have no schedule or routine --and it's not normal to be like us. I hear that other moms know when they're feeding their babies. They know when and how long each nap is. Their bedtimes are set at times ranging from 7-9pm. Many moms have babies that don't wake up to eat at night. They sleep 6-8 hours without a problem.

In our house, we have no clue when Brycen eats. When he cries, we give him a bottle. When he's tired, we let him fall asleep. When he is no longer tired, he wakes up. Prior to now, we were told to do everything "on demand" based on his needs. Now, he's getting to an age where he may be expecting certain things regardless of if he really wants them. So, I started a web form that my husband and I have bookmarked on our phones. We always have our phones on us, so this makes it easy to log activity. I have check boxes for starting naps, finishing naps, drinking formula, eating baby food, changing diapers (and what kind of diaper), and also when he gets bathed. All we do is check of a box on whatever activity we're logging and click "submit". I get a spreadsheet report that shows exactly what was done and when. The system isn't perfect. If we forget to log something, it looks strange. If I'm driving and our son falls asleep, I'm not about to pull over to log it on my phone.

We're looking at the previous day's logs and trying to work something into a routine. I'd love to get our son sleeping earlier, but that doesn't help us in the morning since our son will be waking up earlier while we're still going to bed late.

We would also like to transition our son into his crib sometime soon. He's getting to an age where he can wake up and look around for us. I want him to feel secure in his crib while looking up at his nursery walls.

Obviously, parenting is different for everyone. This is a big, stressful topic for me because I really had no clue that other moms were keeping up routines and schedules. I don't want to fall behind with parenting skills and lessons. Brycen needs to learn when he should expect food and sleep to feel more secure, and we are working hard at giving him that stability.