Image by jon|k via Flickr
Wow. I just wrote an entire blog post out about how much of a failure I am at parenting. My shirt is soaked with tears, and I decided to just delete everything. To summarize, I feel like my baby loves my husband more, and I feel like my husband is a better parent than I. While my hubby is busy taking care of my baby, I'm the one floating off in the distance. At work, when everyone is busy either working or gossiping, I'm the one not paying attention to either. I zone out when I drive too. Everything is routine and mundane. Instead of being excited about something new and different, I get anxious and freaked out. Today was my first experience of wanting to curse and scream and cry during a meltdown but not being able to. I was home alone with my son. I most definitely don't want him seeing me unstable, so I held him and smiled. This was actually the first time I've ever missed being a non-parent since December. There are so many "luxuries" people give up once they become parents, but I was more prepared to give up most things. I really only miss having my private time to be immature or ridiculous without worrying about how it's affecting someone else. My facebook account has now become a daily baby update page. I already know it's annoying for my friends to read. I really DON'T want to post about my baby all the time, but it's difficult finding interest in anything else. I actually spend most of the time on my cell phone looking at a secret facebook group full of women with December babies. I could have never predicted that these women would become some of my closest friends. Since finding each other on iVillage, we've shared some of the deepest, most intimate secrets and details of our lives. I would be completely and utterly lost without those women and their daily baby topics.
Clearly, I'm still lacking a spark or passion for anything right now. That seems to be an ongoing problem in my life. Just realized I have 15 minutes until my husband gets off work and wonders what I've done with my night. Let's ignore the fact that we have a flight to catch in 8 hours. :(