September 11, 2010

3D Ultrasound at 26 Weeks Pregnant Went Wrong

I went for an elective 3D/4D ultrasound at exactly 26 weeks pregnant this past week. My husband went along with two of my best friends. It was my friend's birthday, so we all went as a group to help celebrate her day and bond.

The ultrasound technician discovered I had an anterior placenta. With my placenta being on the front of my uterus, it makes things harder to see in on the 3D equipment. Bryce was head down, facing my right, with his feet folded near his head. Obviously, he's way more flexible than I ever was considering I can't even touch my toes.

Even though I was drinking lots of fluids several days prior to this appointment, Bryce's face was still way too close to my placenta. Each image was blurry and had a cloud over his profile. The image I've attached to this post is THE closest picture I could get with any baby-looking features. Even then, my husband and I were hoping to see some recognizable features like my nose or his cheeks. The technician didn't try to move me much or get Bryce to change positions. We walked out of the office feeling disappointed and let down.

I posted pictures of my appointment online and had several other pregnant women tell me about their anterior placentas. Apparently, with the anterior placenta, it is still possible to get a clear profile shot. It was just my baby's position that was messing it up. I emailed the ultrasound center and asked if I could get a redo appointment done for free. The CSR called me back yesterday and agreed to let us try again. Our next appointment is on Tuesday. If things go well, I will most certainly be adding some positive reviews for this company online. If Bryce isn't cooperating again, I'll have to see what this place says.
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Stephanie said...

That must have been disappointing! Still quite amazing to me that they can do 3d ultra sounds. My girls are 11 and such thing when I was preggo. Best of luck to you on Tuesday!

Anne said...

Hopefully Tuesday will go better! At least you get two 3D ultrasounds - I tried to convince hubby to do it but we'd have to pay a lot for it, and he was like, "soon we'll see the baby in full D and surround sound" :). So I think you're lucky!

Amanda said...

Aww that is disappointing. I really hope this next one works out a little better. I want one but don't want to spend the money. We paid for the one at 15 weeks to find out the sex but it is looking like I won't get anymore u/s through the Docs unless there is a complication so we will see. Good luck tomorrow!

3d ultrasound said...

I can not believe how the pictures are beautiful! I was so surprised when the girl looked really pictures in 3D! And you're right. This ultrasound is increasingly difficult to actually measure the parts.