I thought the birth would be an easy thing to "plan" for since much of it is out of my control. My main priorities were hospital - epidural - and healthy baby.
Now, I'm learning about various shots given after birth. I'm learning about pain medication. There's talk of nurses giving my baby a bottle before he has a chance to breastfeed. All this is scary and requires WAY more research.
I remember feeling a little overwhelmed by the birth plan thing too. A good chat with your OB can help resolve all these issues and help you figure out what you want. One step and a time and you can handle it!
I agree with ModernMom! My plan was not to plan anything :) - I was afraid to set expectations way too high and get disapppointed (when I know it's the most unpredictable thing). Now, for the next one, the only thing I'll ask is to push in my own rythm, with no "cheerleader nurses" yelling in my ear (might work for some, but made it more stressful for me). Don't dispair, you'll have your baby in the end! :) - and by the way, they gave my baby a bottle there too but she never rejected the boob because of it, so I think it's nothing to worry about.
Not related - are you receiving my feeds on your "blogs I'm following" page? My feed's kinda broken, so I'm wondering what people can see.
I remember that feeling. I wrote out a whole birth plan the first time and didn't use any of it. I think it helps to prepare you for the day and make you feel like you have thought of everything. When we got there though I was all go with the flow. No mention of a birth plan. Make sure DH's knows your wishes that way if can help out with any issues (bottles, shots, etc). Our hospital does not have a nursery and I would not let my daughter out of my sight, everywhere she went DH or I went, haha. I was paranoid about the bottle thing as well!
I remember feeling a little overwhelmed by the birth plan thing too. A good chat with your OB can help resolve all these issues and help you figure out what you want. One step and a time and you can handle it!
I agree with ModernMom! My plan was not to plan anything :) - I was afraid to set expectations way too high and get disapppointed (when I know it's the most unpredictable thing). Now, for the next one, the only thing I'll ask is to push in my own rythm, with no "cheerleader nurses" yelling in my ear (might work for some, but made it more stressful for me). Don't dispair, you'll have your baby in the end! :) - and by the way, they gave my baby a bottle there too but she never rejected the boob because of it, so I think it's nothing to worry about.
Not related - are you receiving my feeds on your "blogs I'm following" page? My feed's kinda broken, so I'm wondering what people can see.
I remember that feeling. I wrote out a whole birth plan the first time and didn't use any of it. I think it helps to prepare you for the day and make you feel like you have thought of everything. When we got there though I was all go with the flow. No mention of a birth plan. Make sure DH's knows your wishes that way if can help out with any issues (bottles, shots, etc). Our hospital does not have a nursery and I would not let my daughter out of my sight, everywhere she went DH or I went, haha. I was paranoid about the bottle thing as well!
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