September 23, 2010

Time Magazine Article on Pregnancy

Successful pregnancy

Here's the video:

I'm watching Morning Joe right now on MSNBC. They just featuring a "First Look at Time Magazine" interview. The cover features a pregnant woman jumping and the headline relates to how the 9 months of pregnancy can affect the rest of your baby's life. The magazine is not out yet. I can't even find the cover art online, but I will definitely buy the magazine once I see it.

One mention from the article explained how women pregnant during extremely stressful times have a higher chance of having babies with schizophrenia later in life. Women with Type II Diabetes have a higher chance of passing it onto their first born and lesser chance of their second if they get the disease treated before getting pregnant the second time.

I want to read the article to see what things I could be doing differently. I only have 3 months left, but any scientifically proven changes I can make now would be beneficial in the long run.
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