February 19, 2009

I'm an Unhealthy Young Person

See the link attached to this post.  My family gathered recently, and we couldn't stop talking about how there's no more exercise in our lives.  Growing up, gym was a part of every day in every year of school.  Our state has a very aggressive physical education system.  It's just amazing to think that I used to actually stop everything I was doing each day to run a mile or play basketball.  I couldn't imagine that happening at work.

It's a strange scenario to think about.  You're sitting at your desk looking over yesterday's reports and then, with the sound of an alarm, everyone around you starts shuffling towards the bathrooms to change into gym suits.  Could we just put our work aside and join in a game of kickball?  We have over 66 employees at any given time. Where would we go?  How would it work?  There's plenty of employees that don't exercise.  I find it hard waking up early to go to the gym.  I also find it hard to come home with a throbbing headache or a starving stomach and actually be motivated enough to go sweat out my frustrations at a gym.  It's too hard.  I think Americans need more forced workout regimens.  We can't do it on our own.  Either your routine has working out in it or it doesn't. 

Some of us need to be forced.

February 18, 2009

NY Post Cartoon by Sean Delonas Pisses Me Off

I cannot believe that someone calling themselves an "artist" would ever even consider drawing something like this. What he's trying to tell the public is he thinks this stimulus package was written by a monkey.  Does that make the package dumb?  Was it so easy a monkey could do it? Is he comparing this monkey to Barack Obama? Are you freaking kidding me??

We All Got a 10% Pay Cut

Effective Monday, February 16th, every employee at my company received a 10% pay cut.  I had to calculate different rates for payroll purposes because the rate change happened smack dab in the middle of a pay period.

Several employees attempted to bargain with upper management in hopes of not getting wacked. Ultimately, we had to do what was the most cost effective and fair for everyone. 

February 5, 2009

Too Cold to Live

I've realized that since early December, it's been too cold to live. In that time, I've successfully moved addresses. I've been given new tasks at work and had those same tasks taken away from me. Aside from those life changes, I haven't really lived all winter. It's too damn cold. It's too cold to want to get up early and start my day. Due to the cold, I fear taking showers. I take them every other day and then even less if a weekend falls in my favor. I get up and ready for work before the sun comes up, and I leave work at night after the sun has gone down.

I rarely get to sense the warmth of the sun on my face. Doctors will state that the seasons play a big part on our moods. Many people suffer from depression in the winter. Many people, like me, need to see the sun to feel alive. I want the temperatures to rise up already. I'm not even asking for Spring. I just want warmth. -5 degrees isn't enough for me. I want at least 40 degrees during the day.

Until the temperature rises, I'm going to continue to come home from work, change into warm sweats or flannel, and curl up on the couch with a nice, warm blanket. There's no way around it. Anything outside of that routine just feels cold.