August 22, 2011

It Feels like Another Boy Pregnancy

Baby Boy
Call me crazy, but I feel like this pregnancy might produce another boy. I've recently had some eerie thoughts that have been matched by real life events. Just this morning, I was ticked off that my SIL's status message song lyrics were stuck in my head. I decided to turn the car radio on to get a new song stuck instead. Guess what? That same song was blaring on the first station that came on! I couldn't escape it. Also, I have moments of complete and utter silence at home while playing with my son. Then, I'll immediately think about my husband and BOOM, my cell phone's blaring with a notification that my hubby is chatting with me!

Physically, I'm just feeling very masculine on the inside again. Last pregnancy, I was hoping for a girl and didn't know if I was feeling my hopes or feeling the opposite. This time around, my opinions on gender are pretty much 50/50. The only fear I have is finding out there's more than one baby in there. Let's not even think about that right now. If we find out it's a girl, I'll know that my intuition is horribly off. We'll scramble to find girly things and mentally prepare ourselves for kids of both sexes. If my intuition is right and it's a boy, I will then turn my imagination on full throttle, so I can start imagining how similar and different he'll be from my first son.

I did a baking soda gender pee test. You put baking soda in a glass at the bottom and you pour some of your pee on top and give it a swirl. If you're a girl and not pregnant, it won't fizz. If you're a boy, it'll fizz. If you're pregnant with a boy, it'll fizz. If you're pregnant with a girl, it won't fizz. It's an old wives tale, but I didn't mind trying out something free. My mom tested the girl theory, and her's didn't fizz. My hubby tested the boy theory, and his fizzed. I did the test and got lots of fizz like a Coke can. My hubby's cousin also took the test. She's two weeks behind me in pregnancy and also got fizz. They have a daughter who just turned one, so she is hoping for a little boy to add to the family. She's super excited that it fizzed, and I'm more blasé with it. I pretty much expected it to fizz. LOL This pregnancy had some differences early on from my last, but now it's feeling more similar. My cravings for dairy are back with a vengeance.  My calves are starting to hurt if I walk too fast. I'm tired, but I don't nap nearly as much as I did last year. Last year, I was unemployed with no children. I was able to nap all day long every day of the summer.

We won't know gender until some time in October. We're planning a trip to visit my husband's family, and we were considering revealing the gender to them in some creative capacity. Last year, they missed every big announcement because we live states away. I figured, it would be nice to let them be the first to know.

August 1, 2011

Miserably Sick

Aside from the flu I got in January, I don't think I've been this sick for over two years. It's horrible. My husband got sick and brought it home. I didn't think much of it until he got our baby sick. This is my son's first cold, and he's so helpless. He coughs, he sneezes, his nose runs, he can't breathe through his nose, and he can't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. The nasal aspirator really bothers him, so it's hard to get him to sit still when using it. He can't blow his nose. He doesn't understand what's going on at all. It's hard to watch. His face is white, and his eyes are glassy and bloodshot. I got sick a day after he did. I've had a three day weekend before starting my new job, and aside from a quick family breakfast on Saturday, I haven't left the house. I barely even go outside.

My husband has been working strange, long hours. I have zero energy to do anything, and I can't get any solid sleep. Because of my pregnancy, I can't take any cold medicine either. It's been an overall miserable experience. I'm considering calling in sick to my new job tomorrow. My head is throbbing, and my nose won't stop running. Bryce is on a feeding strike due to his congestion, so I'm finding it hard to fill him up. When he's not full, he wakes up more. He needs fluids but refuses to drink out of his bottle. He bats at the solids I try to feed him and rubs everything into his nose and eyes. Ughhh. If there was ever a time I wanted a maid and a nanny, this would be that time.

New Chapters!

My last blog post was related to two different things going on in my life. One was obvious to family and the other was top secret. I don't know if my family can find my blog anymore, so I have to really watch what I type.

The more important of the two new items is MY PREGNANCY! I'm pregnant again! I'm so glad our attempts at trying to conceive worked this time around. We had a moment in May where I could have gotten pregnant, and it was so scary not being able to plan it. With the announcement of this pregnancy, I've had my fair share of questions related to whether this was planned or an accident. How could anyone possibly PLAN to get pregnant 7 months after having a baby. Surely, this was a big oops! Well, we did plan it. We bought ovulation test strips and we followed some methods to encourage a girl fertilization. I don't want my babies to be happy surprises. I want them to be happy accomplishments.

We only want two kids. My mind is forever dreaming about my two children growing up and doing things together. If my pregnancy is successful, they will be 15 months apart. I don't want to drag out pregnancies or baby things. I don't want to hold on to all this baby gear forever. I want to use it, reuse it, and sell it. My son will never remember life without his sibling. I love that my son is growing so fast. The more he learns, the more excited I get. Sure, I'll miss his baby stage, but that's why I take so many pictures and videos of him. I long for the days where my kids come running up to hug me on my way home from work. No way do I want to raise Bryce to be 3-4 years old before starting this process again.  When my next child comes, Bryce will still be a baby. He won't be a crazy toddler screaming for attention. Sure, he'll be more difficult than he is now, but nothing like the terrible two's and three's.

My first doctor's appointment isn't until August 24th. It's hard waiting that long, but in the end, I'll have a nice clear picture of the ultrasound. Going in too early makes for a very boring image. I keep having dreams that I miscarried. Last night was very visual. It was as if I was inside my uterus and could see the lack of development. I'm not feeling pregnant. I'm not extremely tired, hungry, sick, bloated, emotional, sore, etc. To be honest, the lack of period and the positive pregnancy tests are the only two things reminding me I'm pregnant. I know, lack of symptoms is probably much preferred to having too many. However, I really wish I could feel pregnant. I'm generally worried about things, and I have to wait almost a month before finding proof. If I do miscarry, I can already predict the horrible comments of, "it's your body's way of telling you that you shouldn't have tried so soon." No woman wants to hear that her body rejected a pregnancy for a good reason. We'll cross that bridge if we need to.

My other news is I quit my job and went back to the family business. This new job is the same pay and hours as the last one. My schedule is different, and it's much closer to home. My son won't need to be driven back and forth every day. I will be able to call off work whenever I please. I can come in later if needed or stay later if needed. My family understands that I need the money and the flexibility. There's negatives to working there, but I'm going to do my best to avoid feeling negative or allowing myself to get wrapped up in family business drama. I just want to work to bring home money, and I don't want to take the flexibility for granted. I know working anywhere else would be much harder.