January 15, 2009

2010 Prius: Generation 3 Unveiled

I want this car so badly! I have the 2007 model, and I couldn't be happier. They've made improvements on this car which make me green with envy! There's a moon-roof, solar powered roof, adjustable seats, center console, new safety features, new colors, more leg room, and a brand new display.

I'm not in the market for a new car, so I'm fine with admiring from afar. I think once my boyfriend needs a new car, he can have mine. I will then be free to get the new one! Woo hoo!

Things I've Learned As A New Homeowner

  • My friends are proud of me
  • My co-workers think I must be paid too much if I can afford a mortgage in this economy
  • Long-lost relatives have shown me the most support
  • Making friends with neighbors is more easily said than done
  • Getting the mortgage and home was easier done than said
  • Walls can be whatever color I choose
  • Drafty outlets are no longer a "landlord's" concern
  • Every window should have something covering it
  • I finally feel like an adult (at age 24)

Taking A Half-Day

I emailed my work letting them know that I would not be in today until Noon.  It was 15 below freezing this morning, and I absolutely felt like crap.  Work is getting more and more stressful.  Yesterday, I made the decision to reprimand an employee for not following the rules.  It wasn't a write-up.  I just sent him an email reminding him of our policy.  Instead of following that policy, he went to the owner and had the rules changed just for him.  I got into a huge fight with the owner because he undermined my decision and make me look bad.  He said he trusted my decisions, but he had to step it when I made bad ones. 

This sparked an all out verbal argument between me, him, and three other managers about how he's running our company into the ground.  He keeps asking me when I'm going to use my management degree to help with my job and it pisses me off so much. 

I don't think getting paid very little to work at a company going under should be so stressful. Either I'm going to own the company, or you cannot trust my decisions.  If I'm just there so you don't have to pay the full wage of my replacement, then let me know now.  Please!

January 12, 2009

I Really Need To Lose Weight

I think I repeat that phrase at least once per day.  I've been repeating it for over a year now.  I can't even remember the last time I exercised. I can easily remember the last time I cried over my weight.  It was yesterday. I was tossing clothing into our donation box, and there were outfits that I've only worn once flying right into that box.

I just don't seem to have that final push to lose weight.  I'm still eating foods that are terrible for my metabolism, terrible for my self esteem, terrible for my closet, and terrible for my life.  It doesn't seem to matter.  Day by day, I grow more and more uncomfortable with my body.  My dress clothes for work are barely zipping and buttoning. 

My energy levels are extremely low.  I don't feel like waking up each day. I only really get excited about the thought of getting food.  The biggest reason I used to be thin was that I didn't have an appetite.  I didn't have any need for food.  It wasn't exciting because I wasn't looking for excitement.  I was looking for relationships with friends and guys.  Now, I live with my best friend.  We really enjoy our time together, but I can't fully enjoy anything with this weight problem.

I need to lose 40 lbs., and I don't know how many more I'm going to gain before I take the whole life change seriously.

Motivation would be nice right now...

January 4, 2009

Planet Earth & Partying

I'm watching Planet Earth on Discovery Channel as I type this latest blog. We just witnessed a Great White Shark jump straight out of the sea to snatch up a poor seal. Today was relatively unproductive for me personally. I have some work to do before I go back tomorrow morning; it mainly involves a head start on Monday morning reports and some payroll journal adjustments. Getting it done tonight saves me some time tomorrow.

I went out Friday night and saw, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." I think the movie was great. I was curious to see how the special effects and makeup team would try and get Brad Pitt to appear old and then finally very young. The movie felt long, and it ended terribly sad. I was thankful of my winter scarf which doubled as a teardrop cloth. The movie night was with friends. We met up with another friend after the movie, and I returned home feeling like I actually had some friends in my life.

The following day was busy and ended with a friend coming over for drinks. I made a Lunchbox drink which needs beer, Amaretto, and orange juice. We liked the drinks enough, but I can't say that I'd make another batch anytime soon. I probably made them wrong knowing me. While walking outside, we discovered that our nearby neighbors had very poor window coverings in their bedroom. It was the first time I had ever witnessed sex between two other people in my life other than on tv/websites. I'm half thinking I should write them a short note explaining the need for thicker blinds.

Finally, my boyfriend and I met up with friends and family for breakfast this morning. I haven't had so much social activity in months!