August 1, 2011

Miserably Sick

Aside from the flu I got in January, I don't think I've been this sick for over two years. It's horrible. My husband got sick and brought it home. I didn't think much of it until he got our baby sick. This is my son's first cold, and he's so helpless. He coughs, he sneezes, his nose runs, he can't breathe through his nose, and he can't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. The nasal aspirator really bothers him, so it's hard to get him to sit still when using it. He can't blow his nose. He doesn't understand what's going on at all. It's hard to watch. His face is white, and his eyes are glassy and bloodshot. I got sick a day after he did. I've had a three day weekend before starting my new job, and aside from a quick family breakfast on Saturday, I haven't left the house. I barely even go outside.

My husband has been working strange, long hours. I have zero energy to do anything, and I can't get any solid sleep. Because of my pregnancy, I can't take any cold medicine either. It's been an overall miserable experience. I'm considering calling in sick to my new job tomorrow. My head is throbbing, and my nose won't stop running. Bryce is on a feeding strike due to his congestion, so I'm finding it hard to fill him up. When he's not full, he wakes up more. He needs fluids but refuses to drink out of his bottle. He bats at the solids I try to feed him and rubs everything into his nose and eyes. Ughhh. If there was ever a time I wanted a maid and a nanny, this would be that time.

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