May 2, 2010

I'm 8 Weeks Pregnant!

I can finally update my anonymous blog concerning my pregnancy. I've known about it since April 6th, but I didn't want my mother wandering over here and finding out early.  We're due December 15th. If I'm early or if I'm late, it'll most likely be a December baby. My birthday is December 11th, so who knows what'll happen.

We're still worried that we might lose it. We're not in safe waters yet. I go in for my first ob/gyn appointment on May 13th. That day can't come soon enough. I'm hoping to hear a heartbeat and see the little bean on an ultrasound. I'm fearing labor, but I'm totally interested it how my body will change.

We already have two names picked out. As early as we can, we want to know the gender. I like to plan ahead, and I absolutely hate surprises.

EDIT: I had to edit this post to remove the names I had chosen. It appears someone in real life has found my blog by searching for my name and the baby's name. :(

My hubby wants a boy, and I want a girl. We both come from households ruled by boys, so I want to get a girl out as soon as I can.

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