January 12, 2012

Having No God

I've come to the conclusion that neither of my parents nor any of my brothers believe in God. We weren't raised in church. We attended public schools, and we all have different views on politics and life. I guess I'm just saddened to be the only one in my family who believes in a higher power and often prays to that power. I'm not comfortable in churches, and my bible collects dust. I'm less interested in the history of my religion but more interested in the future. 

There are some horrible things going on in the world, and there are glorious miracles happening every day. I can't help but pray for others who need support nor can I help being thankful for the blessings I've received.

I have a friend who's very young daughter is dying from a rare genetic disease. There is no cure, so my prayers are usually asking for more time for this young girl to be on earth and surrounded by love ones as comfortably as she can. I can't for one second believe that when this baby dies, that'll be the end of her. I have to believe she will be in Heaven waiting for her parents to join her. 

Therefore, I can only hope that my brothers are never in a situation where they have to say goodbye to a child or spouse. Either their views on religion will change, or they'll be looking at a very dark future. The best part about dying (for me) is my belief that loved ones will be reunited later. There is so much pain and suffering on this planet, that I couldn't bear it if peace and tranquility didn't follow.

1 comment:

MoonStarFalling said...

Last October 15th I wrote a blog about being atheist on Pregnancy and Infant Loss day and how having religion hindered my grief process. It wasn't until I became atheist that I was able to accept our daughters' deaths. Sure, I don't think about them running around in heaven waiting for me, but that was really no comfort anyway. When your child dies you just want them in your arms again. Imagining seeing them in 50 years when I'm old and dead isn't as comforting as you would think. Just my perspective.