April 12, 2011

Things To Do Before Getting Pregnant Again

What my dream stomach would look like
1. *Move out of this house
2. **Get skinny again
3. ***Brycen must be at least 1 year of age
4. ***Become a SAHM

*This isn't an absolute necessity, but I would much prefer it before getting pregnant.
**This is something I need to take care of to better myself. I want my next pregnancy to be better than this one. I know what to expect, and I don't want to weigh 242 lbs again.
***These are absolute requirements. I don't want to miss out on Brycen being a little baby. I also don't want to figure out working schedules when the next baby comes home. What we have now is great, but the daycare nightmare we had before can't repeat. I don't want to work PT, but the money is needed right now. If we move out of our house, it'll be because my hubby has re-enlisted in the USMC.

1 comment:

Dawn Lucille said...

Ahh yes. The dream stomach. I had it once. I never got to enjoy though cause I thought I was fat. I've come to the realization that I might never have one again...and that makes me a little sad.

PS. Don't move away. We will miss you!