August 13, 2012

Who Am I?

Am I my husband's wife? Am I my children's mother? I stay at home with them. I have no career. I have no hobbies. Each day feels like a test in survival for me. How long until I get myself back? I put myself in this position and wouldn't trade it for anything, but I'm internally bitter. My poor husband gets the brunt of it. When I'm not happy, he's the first to know.  I hope this phase passes within the next year. I would love to feel happy again and have my own identity.

1 comment:

Anne Prado said...

Hey girl, haven't too many chances to browse through blogs lately, and now I wish I've seen this sooner! Just to tell you that the way you're feeling (if you're still feeling this way) doesn't necessarily mean life sucks THIS much on the outside. It just means you need a break. And I'd guess your hubby would much rather let you have some me-time (like, "take the kids while I go exist at Starbucks" kind of thing) at least once a week instead of a wife that's past her stress limit. We ALL have that limit, when we NEED to have some time off, and it's a survival necessity, like eating or pooping lol. Certain things can't wait! :) So make sure to take care of yourself. You'll see things much clearer once you do!