October 23, 2010

32 Weeks Pregnant

have a beary merry christmas!Image by Shutter Daddy via Flickr
It is really hard to believe I only have about 7-8 weeks left in this pregnancy. It's the end of October (which has flown by), and November starts the month of December due date mom's going into labor early. On some days, my belly bump feels like it's going to pop open. Other days, I feel like my bump is smaller than many pregnant bellies I see.

I absolutely love the holidays. If it weren't for holidays, the winter would be unbearable. I can't wait to start wearing sweaters, coats, scarves, boots, etc. I want to start blasting Christmas music every time I go somewhere in the car. I'm just so happy that we're welcoming our first child during this time of year. I've got my anniversary coming up in early November followed by my birthday, my son's birthday, and Christmas. My poor husband has some serious shopping to do.

But in all honesty, we both aren't requiring much this year. I think we both just feel blessed to have a child on the way and to have such wonderful family support. I need to ride this emotional high and start nesting already. Our home is pretty darn small, so you'd think it'd be super easy to clean. Actually, I'm sure it is, I just need to start somewhere.

Sorry this post was all over the place. It's 6am on a Saturday, and I'm home alone.
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