August 10, 2010

22 Weeks Along!

I haven't updated in a while because of two main reasons.

  1. I went to California on a 1 week vacation with my hubby's parents (sans hubby). 
  2. My mom isn't talking to me. I didn't want her learning about my pregnancy via my blog rather than picking up her phone and calling me.

I've given up on waiting for my mom to call, and I want to update on my pregnancy. It's currently Tuesday night, and I felt Brycen's first OUTSIDE movements a few days ago over the weekend. I was up around 3am due to my husband's early work schedule. I couldn't sleep. Instead, I grabbed some rainbow sherbet out of the freezer and began eating it right from the carton from the comfort and safety of my bed. While eating it, I felt some pretty strong movements in my belly. Out of habit, I placed my fingers over the area above the movement and was shocked to feel it! This is after weeks of hearing about other December moms all feeling kicks and their husbands feeling it as well. I was so happy. I probably felt him kick about 10 more times before I fell back asleep. I felt more kicks upon waking up hours later. My husband was obviously excited about it but sad that he was at work.

It only took until the next morning for him to feel movements. He got kicked twice before Bryce stopped the movements. The following day, I was up at 6am while my husband slept. I decided to go out and watch a movie on HBO in the living room. Halfway during the movie, I felt kicks. I pulled my pajamas up over my belly and VOILA! My stomach popped out. I witnessed a baby kick with my eyes!

I can honestly say that the movements felt from the outside are the first real sign to me that someone very special is inside me. That realization didn't occur during the pregnancy testing. It didn't occur during the ultrasound viewings. It didn't even happen when my stomach started growing out front. It's when the little miracle inside started pushing outward. Now, it's real. Now, I feel like there's someone in there that I need to take care of.

The picture above is my belly shot from tonight. I'm officially 22 weeks starting tomorrow.
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Anne said...

Aww what a nice belly! Believe me, I did NOT look this cute at 22 weeks :). You look great! And thanks for the comments on my blog - I'll answer them right now on each post. Happy pregnancy!!

Amanda said...

What a great belly picture! And how great and exciting is it to see the baby move. One of my favorite things to last time early on with Katelyn was sit on my couch with my feet on the ottoman and put the tv remote on the top of my belly and watch it move. It helps exaggerate the movements in a way, fun experiment if you get bored one day :)

Tired Mom Tésa said...

Congrats on doing well with your pregnancy. Isn't feeling the kicks on the outside so amazing? And then when you actually see them, that's definitely makes it seem much more real.

Hope you had a wonderful vacation!

22 weeks pregnant said...

I felt the same like U...I am 22 weeks and I can feel my baby moving a lot! My movement are increased & there is a little person developing inside of me. she has made her way to every part of my belly kicking and stretching...